My Egghead Book.

For class we read a book called egghead and now we are doing a project on the book. For my project I chose to make a trailer for the book. My class has to put  in a few quotes from the book so you know a little more about it. Here are my quotes. “The Rope The other boys make it look so easy Hand over hand to the top. Physics, really, I tell myself. but I am stuck on the knot. The rope burns my palms. Tears burn my eyes, as heckles echo in the gym and in my head. Loser. Idiot. Spaz. Slowly, but surely I slip and dangle at the end of my rope.  I will never understand why we climb the rope. What does it teach us except that we don’t know what to do.” That is my poem from the book. and I chose this quote because I like how will sees everything.  The next question is what would you do differently next time. And I would film my trailer video faster and make the video more good and less blurry.  And this is my trailer.

14 thoughts on “My Egghead Book.

  1. All those transitions were so cool and the acting was really good too! It really showed the characters personalities and it was so fun to be an actor in your movie!

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