How Fast The Man Runs

In math class today our  teacher told us to make a story about a graph so I did and this is my story for the graph I chose to do today in math class .So here is my story .

There once was a man who started his daily run with a jog, and then with a run and a sprint. Then he evened it out again, with a steady run again and then brought it down to a jog, and finally  started sprinting again and sprinted a few miles.After that he  brought it down to a steady run and slowed his pace. Then later he started up again with a jog, and finally ended with a steady run. Then ended his daily run back at his house.

3 thoughts on “How Fast The Man Runs

  1. Yossi -congrats on your blog ! I just heard about it . I love how you were able to translate the math graph into a story. I look forward to more . Gramma

  2. Hi Gramma thank you for commenting on my blog im working on a new one right now i will tell you when i post it

    by Yossi

  3. This graphing story makes me think of Uncle Chris. It’s funny that you chose to write a story of what he does a lot ;). He runs exactly as you wrote: working on getting faster by changing his pace. Nice thinking Yossi!

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